Audio & eBooks

Immerse yourself in our one-of-a-kind audio ebooks, a result of collaborations with expert early years professionals, rooted in evidence-based practices, and designed to provide you with playful solutions for navigating daily life.

Our partnerships extend to leading health charities, specialists, children's services, and family organisations across the UK, ensuring that our books not only deliver engaging storytelling with multi-sensory play, but are also deeply grounded in the latest child development research.

With each book, we're committed to equipping parents with the tools and knowledge to provide their children with the optimal start in life. Explore our collection and experience how our offerings are tailored to support your family's journey through every stage of growth.

From Newborn

A musical story with first sounds and movement for you and your baby. Enjoy this musical audiobook from birth, whenever and wherever you like: relaxing, feeding, playing, changing a nappy, or preparing for a nap. Great for dads and older siblings too!

Bear’s Hunt for Honey

Age 4-7

When It’s Time To Go,
It’s Time To Go

Have you ever wondered what happens inside your body when you put off going to the loo? Well. now you can find out in this fun story book. We teamed up with ERIC, Children’s Bladder and Bowel Charity, to bring you our first Wee and Poo Adventure. FREE e-book for a limited period.